What does a Graston tool do?

Graston Tools are the instruments are used to scan over and detect areas of injured fibrotic tissue. The process is designed to both identify the injured areas and provide needed treatment to them.

Does Graston Physical Therapy Work?

Graston physical therapy is successful due to its ability to interrupt the pain cycle and scar tissue formation.
This leads to changes in soft tissue flexibility and range of motion. The Graston massage instruments help to amplify soft tissue restrictions. This is similar to how a stethoscope amplifies the sound of a heartbeat.

That tool also becomes the treatment tool in which the clinician twists, turns and chisels away at the adhesion through the skin. They do this in order to induce controlled microtrauma to the area. By inducing microtrauma, the physician triggers an inflammatory process to promote healing and recovery to the area. Graston therapy also stimulates collagen regrowth and redistribution of collagen fibers in the correct pattern. This optimizes range of motion, flexibility, and muscle recruitment.

During an acute injury, the main goals of treatment with the Graston Technique are to decrease edema, pain, and to increase range of motion.

Examples of acute injuries that this technique is effective for include ankle pain, hip pain, injury recovery after a slip and fall accident, car accident neck pain, and tingling fingers and arm.
Chronic injuries that typically benefit from the Graston Technique are carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, tennis or golfer’s elbow, and lingering scar tissue. An injury that produces lasting companion injuries like a concussion shouldn’t deter you, either. It is possible to receive this treatment even when other injuries are present.

When treated for a chronic injury, the goals of the Graston physical therapy treatment tend to shift based on need and progress.

In this case, practitioners use it to disrupt fibrotic (scar) tissue in order to increase range of motion and to decrease pain.